Browsing Category Englishness

Hairs to You

Hairs to You
for a top class haircut
in your own home.

We also offer

first class chat.
Topics include
an indiscretion
by a certain person
which has come
to our attention.

Why not sample
our hairdrying service
our new
5 speed hairdryer
20p per minute
or part of a minute.

Hairs to You.
Fourth place
Blowdrying Finals
Third place
Avant Garde
Hair Competition

Call Carol
02727 623450
Or nights.

Hairs to You.
Mobile hairdressers
By Appointment
to the Crown
and Duck
on the High Street.

Hairs to You.

Say Yes to the Yenton

So many reasons
to Say Yes to the Yenton,
the Hotel For All Seasons
where a trouser press

is available
on request.

Say Yes
to a warm greeting
from smiling staff
and award winning
central heating.

Say Yes to the Yenton,
a Piece of Country
in the Heart of Town.
Our rustic grounds
rolling down to the river
teem with wildlife.
Birds, for example
and squirrels
and insects
too numerous
to mention

Say Yes
to twenty two
well groomed bedrooms
our rustic grounds.
All equipped
with stylish
clothes hangers
of various shapes
to suit all tastes.

Say Yes to the Yenton
where well behaved dogs
are accepted
by prior arrangement
but not in public rooms
or rustic grounds.
And owners must pay
for any biting
or chewing
of soft furnishings
by dogs

or owners.

Many comment on
Restaurant La Yenton,
so romantic at night
its subtle lighting
gently falling
on Grecian figurines,
enviously eyeing
culinary delights
delicately prepared
by our chef de cuisine
who has visited France
three times.

Children may choose
half portions
or the Yenton
‘Juniors’ menu
for under eights.
Proof of age needed.

Why not say Yes
to a relaxing drink
after your meal
with friends
old and new
in Mac’s Bar.
our rustic grounds.
It’s spacious, elegant,
tastefully refurbished
in traditional style.
It’s an ideal spot
to contemplate
evening shadows
creeping over
our rustic grounds.

Say Yes to the Yenton.
We’ve spent an
awful lot of money
to keep it in peak condition
to your complete satisfaction
from fresh redecoration
in the low season
to minor daily repairs
as and when required.

Say Yes to the Yenton
according to
our visitors book
Twenty July
Nineteen Seventy Nine
Mr and Mrs
P Harris
had a really nice time.

Say Yes to the Yenton.

  • From the Yenton’s brochure:

The Day Mr Audley Decided To Become A Free Spirit

Got up lateish.

Had three cups of tea
instead of the usual two.

while waiting
for the eggs to boil.
Made a packed lunch
and wrapped it
in foil.

Donned sandals
and socks
and a loincloth
from M&S
which was decorated
with leaves
and berries.

Cut off the sleeves
of his anorak.
Painted a skull
on the back.
Put it on.
Finished the crossword.
And was gone.

At the press conference his wife
made a tearful plea
for him to return
and mend
the garden fence.

So he did.

In his book ‘The English’, Jeremy Paxman mentions a 1940 article in the Daily Express reporting that a Mrs Betty Tylee and a Miss Jean Smithson approached a downed German pilot in Kent. They declined to shoot him but instead offered him a cup of tea.

Will You Shoot Me Now?

No, we don’t do that in England
said Mrs Betty Tylee
would you like a cup of tea?
Though one thing we do do
is put milk in first.

The military police
aren’t due until three
said Miss Jean Smithson
as she rummaged in
the biscuit tin.
Gosh, your Messerschmitt’s in
a bit of a mess.

Not to mention my garden
said Mrs Betty Tylee
Here’s a teaspoon.

Then she stabbed him with
her garden shears.