TitleFirst LineAdamI’m Adam the Acanthostega.Will You Shoot Me Now?No, we don’t do that in EnglandPoem of Atonementwe have slanderedEncyclica BritannicaSaluto Populi.The Art of LeadershipWe huggedThe Secretaries for StatingWe’re the Secretaries for StatingThe Wrath of a MothNever incurNth DegreeHe graduatedBPOMGDiscuss.A train leaves LondonThe Day Mr Audley Decided To Become A Free SpiritGot up lateish.The Sacrifice of Isaacgod’s commandA Man Walks Into a BarIs this some kind of joke?Say Yes to the YentonSo many reasonsA Briton at Wimbledonyou assertDog Eat DogAnalyst ask why.With RespectWhen they machine-gunned SonnyThe Anglo-Celtic RapAnd the Taoiseach said – “Yo Queen…My EnemyFor hour after hourCain’s WifeGood evening.The Last ResortWhen I’m in the dockPolitics is Rock N RollPolitics is Hendrix and Jagger,They Called Me AdamAll my life I’veInstructions for Levelling UpTake a red wallThe Eyes Have ItThe question is:Half a ClownSo what’s with the frown?Hey Adam, Where’s Eve?Hey Adam, Where’s Eve?Hey Eve, Where’s Adam?Hey Eve, Where’s Adam?Where was Jill?Jack and JillI, PhoneI, PhoneThe Jewish Singles DoHe said hi